Mike Salt
CMI Centre Manager and Assessor
Mike is an experienced assessor, internal verifier/IQA and EQA (External Quality Assurer) and he covers a range of Supervisory, Leadership & Management qualifications up to and including Level 7 (with an equivalence to Master’s Degree). He also covers the TAQA range of qualifications, including Learning & Development, assessor and verifier qualifications. His other areas of expertise include customer service, business administration and health & safety.
In his role as the Centre Manager for CMBD, Mike is responsible for the quality assurance, policies and procedures and the training of the assessors and tutors in delivering Chartered Management Institute (CMI) qualifications programmes from Level 2 Team Leader up to Level 7 Strategic Management and Leadership. In the last four annual CMI audits (2015 to 2018), Mike has achieved ‘no actions required’ status and CMBD has been used as an example of best practice in supporting learners.
Following a long career as a senior manager, Mike undertook a management NVQ at level 5 (the highest available at that time) and went on to qualify as an assessor and internal verifier. He worked as an associate for a local College as well as for other organisations specialising in management qualifications, managing a team of assessors. His other work includes the Open University health and safety programme, NVQ delivery and work for the Home Office.
He has managed CMI approved centres for 14 years and has some considerable expertise in this area. These centres have consistently received excellent quality audit reports confirming the provision of learning to a large number of learners at all levels. He is also an External Quality Assurer for City and Guilds for a range of qualifications including TAQA and Health & Safety. He has achieved and maintained CMI Chartered Manager Status and is able to take CMBD to the next level. He ensures that best practice and continual improvement are a feature of the provision of qualifications and learner support and takes a keen interest in the continuing professional development of all the CMBD associates, trainers and coaches.