
The CMBD Business Consultancy service helps businesses and organisations overcome barriers to further growth and development. We can provide skills, insight and expertise on a short-term basis that may not be available in-house. This can be an be an extremely cost-effective and fast way to build capability and performance in key areas.


CMBD Business Consultants are all functional specialists who have been chosen for their expertise and extensive experience. Short term support from a specialist is a cost effective and ultimately profit generating way of overcoming the inevitable issues that arise as a business grows.

Whilst each organisation is different, many of the issues that arise during growth and hold you back are often predictable and common. CMBD consultants can help you to identify these issues, put in place the solutions and provide the skills to help you move forward.

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CMBD Consultants worked with delegates on The University of Nottingham 'UGP' programme

Where we can help

Strategy & Business Planning

A clear Strategy and Business Plan will provide the direction and focus that will ensure that everyone in your organisation is moving the business forward. This can only happen when everyone is driving in the same direction. The planning process starts with a comprehensive assessment of where you are now, continues with the development of a clear and focussed vision of where you want to go followed by the production of a comprehensive and realistic action plan to get you there. Your CMBD expert will advise on the use of simple but powerful tools and techniques, challenge you (and if appropriate your senior management team) to set stretching but achievable goals and provide independent advice and feedback along the way.

Finance and Financial Control

Money is the life blood of any organisation and all growing businesses need to monitor cash flow and funding. Control of money and sourcing more funding when appropriate becomes increasingly important.

Our specialists can quickly identify any areas of weakness and help you to put in place the structure and strategies to give peace of mind. Advice and support can also be provided on the various sources of funding for growth.

Financial expertise is a critical skill for any growing business. Mastering it fuels further sustainable growth and profitability.

Human Resources

It is often said that ‘every business is a people business’ but finding the right people and utilising their skills becomes more difficult and problematic with every person you add. CMBD HR professionals provide support across a range of issues including, recruitment, HR systems and procedures, employee engagement, disciplinary and grievance processes and workforce development. Skills assessment and psychometric testing can also be provided for a variety of recruitment and development situations.

Productivity and Business Improvement

Every organisation should be focused on the effective use of available resources to gain the maximum 'Return on Investment'. If you have concerns that things aren't running as smoothly as they should, that there are more mistakes and waste than you’re comfortable with, then it's almost certain that your productivity could be improved. This is equally true for both service and manufacturing businesses.

Systems and procedures can become outdated whether you are growing or not. When a business or organisation is growing fast, they can quickly become ‘not fit for purpose’ before you notice.

CMBD Lean and Business Improvement Consultants will help you identify opportunities for improvement and help to put in place the infrastructure to support them. This type of support quickly identifies waste and can literally pay for itself within a very short timescale.


Finding and engaging new clients and customers is a challenge for many businesses and organisations. At every stage of growth, getting noticed becomes more difficult with increasingly crowded marketplaces and with competition.

Our marketing specialists will help you to create a strategy that will work for you. They will then guide and train your internal staff to implement the various strands of your plan.

Key areas of support include, Marketing Strategy & Planning, Internet and Social Media, PR & Advertising, CRM, Value Proposition Design, outsourced marketing and agency management.


Direct Sales is an expensive and time-consuming activity so it is important to get it right. it is also a process that needs to be managed effectively as well as a personal skill that can be refined and developed.

CMBD Sales Consultants are experienced sales professionals that can make your people and sales process more efficient and a lot more effective. This can include training and coaching in how to manage a sales force or involve working with sales professionals to develop their skills and techniques.


Innovation is an evolutionary and continual process that is essential for both sustainability and growth. Failure to change and innovate can eventually result in becoming a business that is no longer relevant to its customers.

CMBD has talented thinkers who can spot opportunities for development and innovation that businesses can miss for a variety of reasons. These can include dealing with day to day pressures, being too close to the issues or simply the need for a fresh pair of eyes. Sometimes it can be as simple as being asked why you do it like that?

Whether you have a specific issue that you would like to discuss, or if you would just like to have a more general chat about your innovation strategy, give us a call.

Ready to find out more?

For more information on coaching, consultancy, training programmes, courses or our bespoke training service, please get in touch.