CMI Level 5/6 Coaching & Mentoring Distance Learning
Recently introduced by CMI, this comprehensive range of qualification options provides professional and structured development paths for Coaches, Mentors and Coach Supervisors wishing to improve their skills in this area

Course Overview
CMI Level 5 Award or Certificate in Principles of Professional Coaching
These qualifications are designed to support individuals in the development of knowledge of professional coaching, helping them to understand the core requirements for effective coaching practice and to understand the coaching process.
The qualification is suitable for either practising or aspiring coaches as it does not include the requirement to demonstrate the application of skills.
Candidates completing the Award qualification (requiring a minimum of 60 Total Unit Hours or TUT's) can select a single unit from the following list:
- Unit 531 Principles of Professional Coaching (TUT 60)
- Unit 532 The Role of the Professional Coach (TUT 90)
- Unit 533 Strategies for Delivering Professional Coaching (TUT 70)
Candidates completing the Certificate (requiring 140 TUT's) will select two of the available units.
You can download the detailed syllabus and qualification indicative content at the end of this web page and the video below this section explains how CMBD 'does distance learning' with tutor support.
CMI Level 6 Award in Professional Coach Supervision
Suitable for people supervising and managing coaches, this qualification is designed to promote good practice through benchmarking and quality assuring the way in which coaching is planned and delivered. The aim of professional coaching supervision is to provide a safe and confidential reflective space where coaches are able to critically appraise how they can develop and improve their coaching practice.
The qualification is suitable for both practicing or aspiring Professional Coach Supervisors. On completion of the single assignment unit required, they will understand the purpose and role of supervising in coaching as well as evaluating models and approaches for its delivery and know how to develop a strategy to optimise its effectiveness.
Candidates taking the Award will complete the following unit:
- Unit 621 Professional Coach Supervision (140 TUT's)
Candidates are also required to undertake a number of observed coaching supervision sessions keeping detailed records and reflective statements.
You can download the detailed syllabus and qualification indicative content at the end of this web page and the video below this section explains how CMBD 'does distance learning' with tutor support.
CMI Level 5 Award in Professional Team Coaching
This qualification is designed to give an overview of team coaching for professional coaches. This qualification will provide skills and knowledge to enable professional coaches to deliver impact, behave ethically and demonstrate a commitment to continual learning and development.
Team coaching brings together an existing team of people who have shared goals and purpose. This type of coaching can impact on organisational success. It has the power to optimise the effectiveness of a team, promoting trust, collaboration, cohesion and inclusion in the pursuit of a shared goal.
The qualification is suitable for practising or aspiring Professional Coaches.
Candidates taking the Award will complete the following unit:
- Unit 536 Professional Coach Supervision (100 TUT's)
Candidates are also required to complete at least one observed team coaching session with appropriate work based evidence and records.
You can download the detailed syllabus and qualification indicative content at the end of this web page and the video below this section explains how CMBD 'does distance learning' with tutor support.
CMI Level 5 Award or Certificate in Professional Mentoring Practice
This qualification is designed to provide an overview of the principles of mentoring practice for individuals. It explores the underpinning skills and and knowledge required to mentor effectively as well as looking at how management and leadership principles can underpin good practice.
The qualification also looks at the role of mentoring in relationship to coaching, understanding the similarities and differences between the two techniques. The qualification is suitable for both practicing or aspiring mentors who wish to develop their skills in this area.
Candidates taking the Award Qualification will complete one assignment and do not require mandatory evidence of any practical mentoring sessions:
- Unit 535 Management and Leadership influences in Coaching and Mentoring (80 TUT's)
Candidates taking the Certificate option will also complete:
- Unit 537 Professional Mentoring Practice (130 TUT's)
This unit requires a number of actual mentoring assignments to be carried out and at least one observed session.
You can download the detailed syllabus and qualification indicative content at the end of this web page and the video below this section explains how CMBD 'does distance learning' with tutor support.
CMI Level 5 Award, Certificate or DIploma in Professional Coaching Practice
This qualification brings together some of the units from the previously described qualifications but it can provide more choice for candidates wishing to achieve a Certificate or Diploma.
Most units require observed sessions of coaching and/or mentoring in addition to the assignments and careful study of the Rules of Combination in the syllabus is recommended.
You can download the detailed syllabus and qualification indicative content at the end of this web page and the video below this section explains how CMBD 'does distance learning' with tutor support.
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