Chartered Manager - The Qualification Route
Chartered Manager status is the hallmark of a true professional manager. It is considered to be the most prestigious accolade awarded in the managerial profession. Find out more about how to become a Chartered Manager with CMBD.

What is a Chartered Manager and how do you become one?
Chartered Manager status is the hallmark of a true professional manager. It is considered to be the most prestigious accolade awarded in the managerial profession. CMI research shows that Chartered Managers deliver up to £391k of added value to their organisation and that these results are achieved across a wide variety of functions – people management, product development, commercial targets, improving operations and saving costs.
In addition, Chartered Managers are more confident, self-aware, are committed to ethical behaviour and use their Chartered status with pride as proof of their experience of leading people and managing change.
Chartered Managers have the following key qualities:
- Qualification – Degree Level management qualification; at least 3 years management experience
- Competence – Evidence of consistently effective performance
- CMI Professional Code of Conduct – committing to ethical behaviour
- Maintaining Capability – CPD plan and ongoing review inspected annually
- Proof of Positive Impact in the Workplace
As a registered Chartered Manager Assessment Centre, CMBD provides training, guidance and assessment for candidates wishing to achieve Chartered Manager via the Qualification route.
If you have the relevant experience and an appropriate management qualification (see criteria table), then you can achieve Chartered Manager status by writing an assignment detailing your experience, development and contribution to your organisation and by completing a short telephone interview with your assessor. One-on-one coaching support is also available to help candidates prepare for both the written assignment and the telephone interview if required.
Assessment costs £650.00 plus vat for the written submission and follow-up telephone discussion. Full membership of CMI is also required.
We have recently introduced a Chartered Manager Package which includes a personal tutor to help you prepare and understand what is required, CMI membership for a year, feedback and support as well as assessment and the professional discussion. This costs £1295.00 plus vat.
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Criteria for Chartered Manager via the Qualified Route:
Management experience | Management Qualification: | Route to CMgr award | Chartered grade |
3 years | Degree level qualification | Qualified | Member |
5 years | Certificate in management at Level 5 or above (any awarding body | Qualified | Member |
5 years | No management qualification, but appropriate operational or senior management experience* | Qualified | Member |
10 years (of which 3 strategic) | Degree level qualification at certificate Level 5 or above (any awarding body | Qualified | Fellow |
10 years (of which 3 strategic) | No management qualification, but appropriate operational or senior management experience* | Qualified | Fellow |
*Experience equivalent to / commensurate with a minimum Level 5 qualification and demonstrating capability & Knowledge to operational / senior management level.
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